Online Marketing Advice

Social networking sites are some of the most popular ways to market and advertise ideas for business. They offer you a ready made audience and a great way to interact with potential customers. However if you use a lot of these you may find it hard to keep on top of them all. This short article will show you three sites that could change the way you work! 


Minggl was designed to work as an add on for uses of Firefox and Explorer. Essentially it allows you to connect to your social networking sites so you can receive instant updates and access an address book. If you use Minggl you can choose to update anything from one to all of your statuses in one go as well as send messages. If there are only certain people you want to hear from you can opt to filter friends’ updates. Minggl is compatible with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Digg and Flickr although this is said to be increasing soon. If you want to use Minggl you can find it at


FriendFeed is slightly different to some of the applications you may have seen. With this one you can receive updates via a master feed of all online activity but you cannot update any information on your social sites. One of the great aspects of FriendFeed is that your friends do not need to have the program themselves but you can still read their blog, Flickr, and Twitter. It also works as a social networking site in its own right allowing you to post photos, links and comments. If you are interested in FriendFeed and ideas for business go to


You may not have heard of Flock before but it has been described as being a well integrated social media web browser. Using Flock enables you to see all of your recent updates from a variety of social networking sites including Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Digg, Flickr and YouTube. It will also allow you to create new updates as well as manage your accounts and blog as well as providing a tailored homepage with network updates and RSS feeds. Although not perfect it is easy to use and can help save a lot of time if you like to regularly maintain your social networking sites. If you want to try it out and discover ideas for business then you can download it from